Tuzla, İstanbul
+90 216 446 19 38

About Us

We provide corrosion studies, project and engineering services, anode production, underwater assembly and jacket services for piles.

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Our company, which was established as a Turkish-Norwegian partnership, aims to make a difference in the sector with its quality and reliability by its experience gathered over the years. Continuing its activities in the field of protection, repair and strengthening of industrial facilities and marine structures against corrosion, YNS Corrosion aims to create value for its customers and the environment.


İsmail Çoksayar

Chairman of the Board

Civil Engineer
İstanbul, Turkey
İsmail Çoksayar graduated from Civil Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University in 1996. After graduation, he started to work in the fields of construction chemicals, corrosion repairs and reinforcement, which he was interested in. 17 August 1999 Gölcük earthquake happened when he just finished corrosion repairs and strengthening project of Anıtkabir. He took part in the repair and strengthening of many industrial facilities such as Kordsa, Beksa, Brisa, Federal Mogul, Türk Kablo, Petkim, Aksa, Akkim, Parksa Hilton, hotels, hospitals, residences, schools and marine structures that all damaged by the earthquake. After the earthquake, he managed repair, reinforcement, ground improvement and cathodic protection projects in many historical buildings and industrial facilities, including the repairs of Topkapı Palace Treasury Department, Iran Vakil Caravanserai, Çanakkale Akçansa Pier, with construction chemicals in Turkey and abroad. In addition to these areas of specialization, he gained extensive experience in many different subjects. The geosynthetic clay liner factory, which he set up and managed, has exported to fifty countries. As the outputs of its continuous multidisciplinary working environment and the importance he attaches to innovation, he has established organizations such as R&D and design centers, companies in the UK and the United Arab Emirates. The knowledge acquired by Çoksayar is spreading across a wide spectrum; It gave him a unique perspective on business management, R&D structuring and developing innovation methods. İsmail Çoksayar, who has many papers on corrosion repairs and reinforcement and gives seminars in trade associations and universities, transfers his 25 years of experience to the projects of protecting and strengthening of industrial facilities and marine structures against corrosion within YNS Corrosion.


Board Member

Naval Engineer
İstanbul, Turkey

Ertan Özyardımcı, Bursa Cumhuriyet Lisesi’nin ardından 93 yılında girdiği İTÜ Gemi İnşaat ve Deniz Bilimleri Fakültesi’nden 98 yılında mezun oldu. Mezun olmadan hemen önce kurucu ortak olarak Özsay Gemi Endüstrisi AŞ firmasında iş hayatına başladı. Bu şirkette çelik yapıların tasarımı ve konstrüksiyonu konularında tecrübeler edindi. 2000 yılından bu yana Yeke Denizcilik A.Ş. firmasının sahibi ve yönetim kurulu başkanıdır. Yeke Denizcilik Türkiye ve Malta’da öz yatırımları, Hollanda, Hong-Kong, Kanada, Singapur ve Yunanistan’da temsilcilikleri olan küresel bir denizcilik firmasıdır. Firma gemi tamirinden, donanım üretimine farklı iş disiplinlerinde projeler yürütmektedir. Bu disiplinlerden biri olan korozyon mühendisliği bölümü son 20 senede deniz araçları ve yapıları üzerine beş binden fazla irili ufaklı projede çalışmalarda bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmalardan biri de “asrın projesi” olarak adlandırılan dünyanın en derin deniz boru hattı geçişi olan KKTC Deniz Geçiş İsale Hattı korozyon hesaplamaları ve anot üretimidir. 2013 yılında teslim edilen bu proje ile Ertan Özyardımcı açık deniz yapıları üzerine çalışmalar yapıp teslim etmeye başlamıştır. Küresel marketlerde edindiği kontrat tecrübeleri, kalite kontrol süreçleri ile kıyı ve açık deniz yapıları korozyonu üzerine yaptığı çalışmalardan edinmiş olduğu tecrübeleri YNS Corrosion oluşumuna aktararak; çelik yapıların korozyona karşı korunumu, anot üretimi ve uygulamaları konularında çalışmalarını YNS Corrosion bünyesinde yürütmektedir.


Mustafa SÜNGÜ

Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

Naval Engineer
İstanbul, Turkey

Mustafa SÜNGÜ graduated as the highest-ranking student in 2005 from the Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, which he entered in 2001. After working as design engineer, planning engineer and project manager in leading companies of the maritime sector, he also worked as a shipyard general manager between 2012 and 2016, becoming one of the connoisseurs in his field despite his young age. Mustafa Süngü, combined his engineering experience with business management skills by graduating from MBA degree at Gebze Technical University in 2016, he has been successfully serving as the chairman of the board of Norse Group Companies, of which he is the founder and partner. As Norse Group of Companies, Mustafa Süngü, who has successfully completed many industrial and shipbuilding projects, has also completed important projects in corrosion calculations, anode manufacturing and assembly by Norse-Yeke partnership. By transferring his experiences in areas such as brand building, productivity of manufacturing processes, system integration, business management, continuous improvement practices in quality control to the formation of YNS Corrosion; He also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors responsible for the Business Development and Marketing activities of YNS Corrosion, a specialist in the protection of marine structures against corrosion. 



Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

Naval Engineer
Haugesund, Norway
Jon Torvald Håvardsen, completed his Shipbuilding training at Maritime Technical School Haugesund and Åkra Technical School in Norway. After his graduation he started his career in the Westcon Shipyard in 2000. Despite his young age, due to his leadership skills and top-notch ability in the professional relations in addition to his core competency of technical subjects, he established himself in a short time and promoted to the construction supervisor position in the leading companies of the maritime industry. Håvardsen strengthened his practical experience in many shipbuilding and offshore projects with certificates and trainings during the years. In 2015 he has become the founding partner of Norse Group of Companies by blending his technical knowledge gained in the maritime sector over 20 years with his business management skills. Transferring his experience in the maritime sector to YNS Corrosion, Håvardsen is also the Member of the Board of Directors, responsible for the business development activities of YNS Corrosion, which is specialist in the protection of marine structures against corrosion.